Legal Philosophy and Legal Theory Workshop

The workshop is joint venture by Professor Alexander Somek and Dr. Ulrich Wagrandl from the Vienna Business University.

The workshop is a forum for the discussion of current projects. It is by invitation only.

Upcoming Events

  • November 27, 2024, Christoph Bezemek "Die Schönheit und Eleganz der österreichischen Bundesverfassung", 6. p.m.

Prior Lectures

  • June 20, 2024, Ulrich Wagrandl "Die Verfassung ohne Eigenschaften? Österreichische Verfassungsnarrative auf dem Prüfstand”
  • 2024 04 11, Stefan Hammer, "Mit Kant in die Zukunft der Menschheit? Zur raumzeitlichen Unabgeschlossenheit des "ursprünglichen Gemeinbesitzes"
  • 2023 12 14, Discussion: "Kaputtes Recht: Eine Diskussion mit Alfred Noll"
  • 2023 11 16, Yubo Wang, PhD candidate at University College London, "A Conundrum in Tort Law Theorisation and a Way Out"
  • 2023 03 09, Naif Bezwan (LBI Fundamental and Human Rights Vienna) "Kurdischer Selbstbestimmungskonfikt aus historischer und vergleichender Sicht"
  • 2022 06 09,   Aristel Skrbic (University of Leuven) "EU Law: where ontos and telos become one"
  • 2022 06 02, Julian Scholtes (Lecturer in EU and Public Law, Newcastle University)
    „The abuse of constitutional identity: A conceptual framework”
  • 2022 05 25, Michal Bobek (ECJ Advocate General)
    „When is a court an activist court? New dimensions of an old discussion.“
  • 2021 06 24, Zoom-Conference
    Christoph Bezemek (University of Graz, Department of Public Law and Political Science)
    "Law as Code: Der Algorithmus aus rechtstheoretischer Perspektive", the presentation is followed by a Comment by Elisabeth Paar (University of Vienna, Department of Constitutional Law)
  • 2021 06 10, Alexander Somek (University of Vienna, Department of Legal Philosophy)
    "A pure theory with a naturalistic fallacy? A reply to Christoph Kletzer", the presentation is followed by Christoph Kletzer (King's College London, Dickson Poon School of Law) "A reply to Alexander Somek"
  • 2021 05 27, Michael Potacs (University of Vienna, Department of Constitutional Law)
    "Gerechtigkeit als Auslegungskriterium?"
  • 2019 10 30, Ebrahim Afsah (University of Vienna, Department of Islamic-Theological Studies)
    "Rationalität im Recht: Webers Konzept des ‚Heiligen Rechts‘ als methodischer Zugang zum islamischen Recht"
  • 2019 06 06, Péter Sólyom (University of Debrecen, Faculty of Law)
    "Der autokratisierende Rechtsstaat: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Interpretation"
  • 2019 05 23, Joachim Lege (University of Greifswald, Public Law, Constitutional History, Legal and Political Philosophy)
    "Was leistet ,die‘ juristische Methode (Methodenlehre)? Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung ‚der‘ antiken Gerichtsrhetorik"
  • 2019 04 04, Stefan Griller (University of Salzburg, Public Law, Public International and European Law)
    "Vaihinger, Kelsen, Fuller: Zum Triumvirat der modernen Rechtsfiktionsforschung"
  • 2018 12 06, Kristin Albrecht (University of Salzburg, Academic Group of Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy)
    "Vaihinger, Kelsen, Fuller: Zum Triumvirat der modernen Rechtsfiktionsforschung"
  • 2018 05 17, Monika Zalewska (University of Łódź, Department of Theory and Philosophy of Law)
    "Polish Legal Doctrine on the Relation Between Law and Facts – Can Supervenience be the Relation Between Law and Facts in Hans Kelsen’s General Theory of Norms?"
  • 2018 05 03, Sebastian Scholz (University of Vienna, Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law)
    "Regeln, Prinzipien und Soft Law"
  • 2018 04 19,  Stefan Hammer (University of Vienna, Department of Legal Philosophy)
    "Die Bindung an das 'positive Recht' - historisch-methodische und verfassungstheoretische Annäherungen"
  • 2018 03 08, Anna Gamper (University of Innsbruck, Department of Public Laws, State and Administrative Theory)
    "Sezessionismus und Verfassungstreue"
  • 2018 02 22, Christiane Wendehorst (University of Vienna, Department of Civil Law)
  • "What Lawyers Really Do - Perspectives of the Law and Patterns of Legal Interaction"
  • 2017 11 27, Jakob Emanuel Gaigg (University of Vienna, Department of Legal Philosophy)
    "Globale Bewegungsfreiheit und Demokratie?"
  • 2017 10 12,  Carlos Enrique Pettoruti (Argentinia)
    "Die Richtung des Rechts"
  • 2017 06 29, Ulrich Wagrandl (University of Vienna, Department of Legal Philosophy)
    "Transnationale wehrhafte Demokratie"
  • 2017 05 29,  Alfred Noll
    "Montesquieu redivivus"
  • 2017 01 26, Matthias Klatt (Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Department of Legal Philosophy, Legal Sociology and Legal Politics)
    "Probleme der verfassungskonformen Auslegung"
  • 2016 03 31, Clemens Jabloner (University of Vienna, Department of Legal Philosophy)
    "Vorrang der historischen Methode?"
  • 2016 10 13, Christoph Bezemek (formerly WU Wien, Department of Austrian and European Public Law)
    "Vom Fremden - Migration aus staatshistorischer Perspektive"